The TRPC junior service rifle team program (The Androgynous Prairie Chickens) was established to teach marksmanship fundamentals to junior shooters and to help them improve their skills so they can qualify as a member of the Texas State Junior Service Rifle Team at the National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. The program is open to juniors from age fourteen through nineteen.
The program consists of classroom training, hands-on skills training, monthly club competitions, and selected key tournaments. Key tournaments are the Texas State Hi-Power Championships, the Panola County Gun Club Regional Tournament, and the Texas State Service Rifle Championships. Equipment (rifles, ammunition, spotting scopes) is provided by TRPC at no cost; certain personal items (shooting jacket, gloves) must be purchased by the shooter. Coaching and training is provided by experienced, qualified shooters who are also actively competing at a National level. Additional information may be found in the attached Junior Program Fact Sheet.