IMG 1229

Check Out The Latest Shooting Sports Updates

Read all about the latest updates on our gun club and our events. We hold pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooting events. And other than that, we also hold special shooting tournaments for our Junior Service Rifle Team. Keep yourself up to speed with recent happenings in The Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club.








Latest Club News

Here’s the latest news regarding our gun club. You can also stay tuned for future news and updates here or by going to our news page.

October 29, 2024

The Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club would like to announce a new pistol match.

ISSF 25 Meter Rapid Fire Pistol.

The Rapid Fire pistol match is one of the modern Olympic pistol events. It is shot at 25 meters with a .22 cal pistol on five targets with times decreasing from eight seconds per string down to four.

The Terrell match will be shot on every second Saturday of the month at 9am on the fifty yard range. Our match director is John McNally and he may be contacted at 214-232-3780.

For a look at what this match is all about you may click on the adjacent link.