The Terrell Rifle & Pistol Club is a privately owned facility reserved for the exclusive use of club members and their invited guest. Members are permitted, by the club rules, to bring an individual guest to the club.
- Prior to discharging any firearm or otherwise making use of the club facilities a guest must sign an eligibility and release of liability form. The sponsoring club member is also required to sign the same form.
- A guest must remain in the immediate presence of the member while on club property. For example, a member may not leave a guest at the metallic ranges while he or she shoots at the shotgun or archery ranges.
- Guest are required to abide by the same club rules as the members. Members should always brief the guest regarding such rules. Guest are required to acknowledge that they have read and understand the club rules.
- Both guest and club members are expected to follow standard safety rules and procedures. Reminder! Wearing Eye and Hearing protection is not optional. All members and guest are required to wear safety items when on or near a live fire exercise.
Guest Agreement forms and club rules are available at or near the payment drop boxes at each range building or you can see the Club Documents on this page, download and have ready for when you visit.